Focus your DELE / SIELE / OPI exam preparation with a personal study plan, designed for YOUR needs and based on our free initial diagnostic. Here’s what you need for, and how to go about designing a study plan
Acing Spanish Reading Comprehension tests, such as for the DELE / SIELE or RPT / OPI, requires ample lexis and understanding examiners’ techniques – this blog post explains how, with our battle-tested tips for acing these exams
To pass your Spanish exam, know what knowledge and skills you will be tested on – meaning you need to know the DELE / SIELE / OPI exam curriculum (these exams are VERY DIFFERENT from school or college exams)
For acing your Spanish oral exam (the American OPI or the DELE / SIELE) know the examiners’ four assessment criteria and do lots of expertly guided PRACTICE to show coherence, fluency, ample lexis plus accurate language use.