DELEhelp Blog


DELE exam dates 2024

Here are the Spanish DELE exam dates 2024 (“examen DELE”) plus the last permitted days for registering for each session.

Below we explain how to register, and what potential practical pitfalls you have to watch out for.


To register for a specific session among the DELE exam dates 2024 (at your desired level), and to choose at which exam center to sit it, first go to the website of the Spanish government’s Instituto Cervantes (which administers the exams). You can access the section on exam inscriptions via this link:

The site explains the process. In brief, you have to choose one of the six levels (from A1 beginner to C2 mastery), being the level at which you want to attempt the exam (there are also additional levels for school kids). You then have to choose at which scheduled session you want to do it (i.e., the date) and at which exam center. If you wish to do the exam in Spain itself, then you can register online. For doing it at one of the many overseas exam centers, you will have to physically go to the exam center of your choice and complete the registration there.

You can see the list of accredited exam centers here:


Keep in mind that not all accredited exam centers offer all the levels of the exam (as advertised above) at every scheduled session. This is mainly due to centers needing to have suitably qualified examiners for the oral part of the exam, for every level offered, available on the session date at their particular center. Some big centers have such certified examiners as permanent residents, but smaller centers often depend on Madrid to send them examiners – which is only done when the center meets a certain quota of entrants for the particular level. It is therefore important to enquire beforehand, whether the center of your first choice is certain to be able to offer the particular level on the date you prefer – otherwise, you may receive an e-mail on the last day of registration informing you that your center no longer will offer that particular level on the given date (which then leaves you stuck, because you cannot easily then make the deadline to register with another center).


It is evidently also very important that you know what your current level is when you register, and even more so when you start your actual exam prep. That defines what you need to be focusing on in your study plan, to get from where you are to where you need to be. This requires a proper DIAGNOSTIC (which we do free for our students, so that we can prepare an appropriate individualised study plan for each). Check out our DELEhelp blogpost about the diagnostic:

DELEhelp blog Spanish level diagnostic free

The whole DELE exam registration procedure plus the curriculum, assessment criteria and scoring system which examiners use, are explained in detail in our FREE 96-page DELE exam orientation e-book, which you can request by simply dropping us an e-mail to: [email protected] OR by clicking on our handy contact information form on our website: OR simply by clicking anywhere on the IMAGE below:

DELE exam prep book
click on IMAGE above to ask for our FREE workbook

Our DELEhelp blog (of which this present post about the DELE exam dates 2024 that you’re now reading is part) contains many more posts with top tips on all aspects of the DELE exam. If you click on the following link: it will take you to an omnibus post (like an index) that will show you with the covers of all the most-visited individual posts. Then you can easily access any specific one of your interest by simply clicking on the particular cover.

You can also check out our DELEhelp YouTube Channel, via this link:

To visit the website of DELEhelp‘s mother institute (Excellentia Didactica) click on the image below:

click on this IMAGE to go to our website

Buena suerte with your exam prep!

Saludos cordiales


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